Thursday, January 8, 2009

You Wouldn't Believe It But...

DANGEROUSLY HIGH WINDS blew through my bedroom at 5:50 am this morning causing me to seek protection in my warm cozy bed. (see previous post)  Amazingly, the only aftermath of this tragedy was when Bryan asked me "Did your alarm go off twice this morning?"  To this I simply replied "yes".  Thank goodness he was still half asleep and did not proceed with further questioning.  

At lunch today it came up that it takes a person 21 times of doing something for it to become a habit.  Since I have obviously mastered the habit of sleeping until the last possible moment each morning (or resetting my alarm so I can do this) it is time to form a new habit of actually getting out of bed and exercising before starting the day.  So tomorrow is Day 1 for Habit Exercise.... I wonder if Jullian and Bob would like to road trip off the ranch for 21 days and come visit me?  I mean give me a break, even Oprah has Bob Greene when she has fallen off the wagon!  

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